Alder Buckthorn
(Frangula alnus)
A hardy European native, the deciduous Alder Buckthorn is actually thornless. Often used in hedging due to its dense foliage, left as a small tree it can grow between 3 - 7m (10 - 23ft) with a 2 - 4m (6 - 13ft) spread. With a preference for wet soils, it thrives in open woodland, marshland and hedgerows with plenty of natural light with some partial shade.
The Alder Buckthorn’s small, green-white flowers appear around May/June and are a particular favourite for bees and butterflies. Once pollinated, the green fruits turn a bright red through the summer. Its glossy, dark green leaves turn a bright yellow before falling in the autumn, just as the fruits fully ripen to a near black colour, giving an excellent food source for birds.
(Fagus sylvatica)
A large, full-bodied tree, the Beech can grow up to 30m (100ft) with an impressive spread of around 20m (65ft) if left to flourish. Though shade tolerant, it prefers an open location with full sunlight and moist, rich soil with good drainage. Easy to trim and prune from a young age, Beech is also a popular hedging plant.
Common across southern Britain, this hardy tree produces a full coverage of bright green leaves in the spring. Becoming a deeper green through summer, they eventually turn a glorious reddish-brown in the autumn. They’re also an attractive prospect for wildlife, providing a rich food source.
(Prunus spinosa)
A small, deciduous tree native to the British Isles, the Blackthorn can grow up to 5m (16ft) in height. This hardy specimen is more commonly used as an easily maintained dense shrub, ideal for sturdy and secure hedging due to its tough, thorny branches. Growing well in many moist, yet well-drained soil types, Blackthorn can thrive in exposed or sheltered areas, if positioned in full sun.
Producing leaves in early spring, its white flowers appear shortly afterwards. Its sloe berry fruit ripens through September/October and is commonly used for jams and sloe gin. Blackthorn also attracts nesting birds and wildlife thanks to its thick, protective coverage and its rich source of food and pollen.
(Cytisus scoparius)
The Broom will bring a glorious burst of colour to any garden or hedge. This native evergreen shrub is a nitrogen fixer that thrives in any well-drained soil while improving it for neighbouring plants at the same time. Situated in its preferred position of full sun, this tough and fast growing shrub can grow up to 3m (10ft) in height.
With an abundance of distinctive bright yellow flowers blossoming in May/June, its green seed pods mature to a dark brown, almost black colour, in the late summer before cracking open and dispersing its seeds. Often grown as an ornamental shrub, the Broom makes a lively addition to any garden.
(Rhamnus cathartica)
This bushy shrub is a common sight in hedgerows and open woodland all over its native UK. Reaching heights of up to 10m (30ft) if left unpruned, this resilient specimen grows well in all soil types in either full sun or shade. Its thorny and dense structure is a practical addition to any garden, particularly hedging, while providing a rich food source for wildlife, including the Brimstone butterfly.
Naturally glossy leaves provide a dark green backdrop to the yellowy-green flowers which, after successful pollination, produce striking red berries. As the leaves turn yellow and fall in the autumn, the berries turn a shiny purple-black, providing a plentiful food source for birds.
Common Box
(Buxus sempervirens)
The dense, dark evergreen coverage of the Common Box can reach heights of around 5m (16ft) of more as a large shrub or small tree. Though slow-growing, it’s perfect for creating defined hedging that can be easily trimmed and shaped, making it an ideal choice for ornamental and larger gardens.
A versatile and hardy plant, the Box can withstand sheltered or exposed positions. Growing well, if slowly, in a variety of well-drained soil types, it prefers partial shade, though can tolerate full sun if the soil is kept moist. Its yellowy-white flowers appear through April/May and are a good source of pollen for bees.
Common Hawthorn
(Crataegus monogyna)
One of the UK's most common hedgerow plants, the Hawthorn creates strong, thick hedging for farm or rural land when regularly pruned and maintained. It’s slow growing, but left to spread, it grows to a large shrub or small tree reaching heights of between 5 - 14m (16 - 45ft). A tough and hardy plant, the Hawthorn can handle planting in exposed areas, but prefers full sun and moist, fertile soil.
The Hawthorn’s leaves provide a glossy dark green backdrop for its white blossom, appearing in late spring. A favourite for bees, when pollinated it produces rich red fruits known as Haws. A good food source for birds, they ripen in September before the leaves turn yellow-red, falling in autumn.
Copper (Purple) Beech
(Fagus sylvatica atropurpurem)
A hardy, deciduous tree common across southern Britain, the Copper Beech can grow to a typical height of 25 - 30m (80 - 100ft) with a spread of around 20m (65ft). Its size and preference for wet but well-drained fertile soil make it an ideal addition to large grounds or gardens with positioning in full or partial sun.
The Copper Beech is popular as an attractive ornamental tree due to its leaves. Starting as a copper colour in the spring, they turn to the striking, rich purple colour throughout the summer, before turning again to a coppery-red colour. Unusually, it holds onto its leaves across the winter before falling in the spring, making way for new growth.
Crab Apple
(Malus sylvestris)
Native across the British Isles, the Crab Apple is a small tree with a dense crown, capable of growing up to 10m (30ft) with a spread of around 5m (16ft). Growing vigorously in most well-drained but moist, even heavy soil types, it can tolerate full sun or partial shade. Easy to cut back, Crab Apple is often used as a hedging plant.
Producing a fine display of pink-white blossom in the spring, Crab Apple is particularly attractive to pollinating bees. Producing yellowy-red fruits in autumn that can be used for jam or wine making, Crab Apples are also a favoured food source for birds and wildlife.
(Sambucus nigra)
Common all over the UK, the Elder is a small tree, but is primarily seen as a spreading shrub used for screening or in hedgerows. Vigorously growing to heights of around 5m (16ft), it can have an equal spread of around 4 - 5m (13 - 16ft). The Elder gives its best growth when in its ideal sheltered position in direct sunlight with moist and fertile soil.
With its fragrant white flowers blossoming around June, the Elder produces its familiar hanging clusters of purple-black berries that ripen through August and September. Also attractive to birds as food, the Elderberries are often used for making jam and wine.
Field Maple
(Acer campestre)
The UK’s only native maple, the Field Maple is a fast-growing, deciduous tree that, if left, will reach up to 20m (65ft). Easy to please, it’s at home in most soil types, unless particularly wet or acidic, and can be cut back to any size to suit most garden sizes. Regular trimming can also create attractive, dense hedgerow.
Until the Field Maple reaches full maturity where it prospers under full light, it will develop in either full light or shaded areas to produce light green leaves with bee-friendly flowers in the spring. Darker green mature leaves take on the reddy-yellow colours associated with Maples in the autumn to glorious effect.
(Ulex europaeus)
Most commonly seen on hillsides and moors, Gorse can give evergreen colour and definition to garden borders or hedging. Left unpruned, it can reach up to 2m (6ft) in height with a similar spread, and thrives in exposed, sunny positions in well drained, sandy soil.
A familiar sight, the Gorse gives a flush of colour twice a year in spring and summer with its bright yellow, scented flowers. A tough, low maintenance shrub, its dense and thorny branches provides resilient year round ground cover.
Guelder Rose
(Viburnum opulus)
Native to the UK, this hardy deciduous spreading shrub, flowers in spring through to July, producing bee-friendly flower heads with flat white petals. Its red berry fruits are a favourite source of food for birds and appear as the leaves turn a rich red/yellow in the autumn. Though equally as beautiful in full and fragrant flower, the Guelder Rose, it should be pointed out, is not a rose
Often planted as an ornamental shrub, the Guelder Rose is also a familiar sight in wild hedgerows and woodlands. Growing up to 5m (16ft) tall with a similar spread in most soil types, it’s partial to moist or wetter environments, thriving in full sun, full shade or anywhere in between.
(Corylus avellana)
A common UK native, the Hazel is a familiar sight in hedgerows up and down the country. Favoured in hedging for its fast growing, thick coverage, it’s also a frequently coppiced tree. As a small tree, the Hazel can typically grow from 3 - 8m (10 - 26ft), but can reach 15m (50ft). Hardy and adaptable, it grows well in all soils ranging from dry to wet and well-drained.
Preferring a sheltered location, the Hazel is shade tolerant, but does flourish a full sun position if possible. WIth yellow catkins appearing in mid-February, it’s often first to provide colour. And, providing a rich food source for birds and wildlife, its nut clusters appear from September/October onwards.
(Ilex aquifolium)
An evergreen shrub that’s a familiar and much loved sight all over the UK. The Holly is commonly seen as a large shrub growing to around 4 - 7m (12 - 25ft), but is an excellent and sturdy hedging plant when grown to approx. 1m (3ft). Though slow growing, it’s adaptable to almost any soil type except very wet.
Known for its dark green, glossy - and spiky - leaves, the Holly has both male and female varieties for cross pollination, resulting in the female producing its wildlife-friendly striking red berries. With both showing yellowy-white flowers, the female produces less and have four distinct petals. Extremely hardy and resilient, it’s also shade tolerant, though could produce fewer berries.
(Carpinus betulus)
A native, deciduous tree capable of growing from 10 - 25m (32 - 85ft), the Hornbeam is common throughout woodlands, parks and larger grounds. However, it’s more often used as a hedging plant to create ornamental and thick screening. Preferring heavier, wet soil, including that of chalk or clay, the Hornbeam thrives in the shade.
Its dark green leaves turn a golden yellow in the autumn before turning brown in winter, though it does retain many of them. Its flowers of green catkins clusters appear from late spring before turning to fruit in the autumn, providing a valuable food source for birds and wildlife.
(Ligustrum ovalifolium)
One of the UK’s best known hedging plants, the Privet is a hardy evergreen, perfect for boundaries and screening. Growing at an exceptional rate, Privet can reach heights of around 4m (13ft) to create a dense, low maintenance hedge that provides an excellent barrier to noise and wind.
Thriving in practically any soil type, Privet can grow just as well in almost any location, from full sun to full shade. Clusters of white flowers appear in summer, which then give way to small, black berries, much loved by birds and wildlife, in the autumn. However, regularly trimmed Privet will not produce flowers or fruits.
(Euonymus europaeus)
Native to the UK and Europe, the Spindle is a vigorous and fast-growing shrub, often used as a hedging plant. Reaching up to 3m (9ft) tall, it’s incredibly hardy once established. Though it grows well in most soils, it prefers a well-drained and nutrient-rich situation in either full sun or partial shade.
Due to its stunning flower display, it’s often used as an ornamental shrub, adding a big splash of colour to any garden. A good source of nectar for bees and other pollinators, the hot pink flowers open in May/June to reveal bright orange seeds. Come autumn, the dark green summer leaves turn a purple-red before falling
Wayfaring Tree
(Viburnum lantana)
More of a large, bushy shrub, the Wayfaring Tree is a familiar sight in hedgerows across the country, though particularly across southern England where it favours the chalk and limestone soils. Growing up to 5m (16ft), it’s a hardy choice for gardens and grows well in most well-drained soils.
A good option for lovers of wildlife, the Wayfaring Tree offers a rich source of pollen through its creamy-white flowers that appear from May - June. Birds will also flock to eat its berries that first appear red, before ripening to black. Also appealing are its autumn leaves that turn a mixture of yellow and russet.